Friday, September 9, 2016


La Jolla Cove
Paul and I enjoyed a walk along the La Jolla coastal path that hugs the cliffs with scenic views of the ocean. There is limited access to some of the beaches below. 

The Children’s pool is a small cove protected by a concrete breakwater wall. It was originally built as a safe swimming area for children but was claimed  long ago by harbor seals who beach themselves on the sand with their young. The area is closed for swimming now and offers a view of these marine animals. The seals are so used to people that they show no fear of approaching visitors

The seals are so used to people that they show no fear of approaching visitors

 The path continues past Ellen Browning Scripps Park which is a popular picnic spot with a  grassy area with large trees. We watched a gentleman there making soap bubbles with an extended wand.

La Jolla Cove is a picturesque swimming spot that is frequented by open water swimmers and divers. Beyond one can often see kayakers from La Jolla Shores.

Looking towards La Jolla Shores

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